Educational Credit Management Corporation, ECMC
Is a Total Scam and Preys on Unsuspecting Students With Illegal Interest, Ripoff!

Business & Finance

I borrowed $19,788 in Stafford Loans in 1993 - 1994. When I was unable to make the required payments, I requested help in a payment plain. (I was supporting an adult son and grandson and could barely make it.)

They refused to help me, and since then I find I was eligible for a waiver of the loan due to my being a Special Education Teacher. No one ever told me of this option. When I went into default, I filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in July and all outstanding bills were discharged, including the Student Loans.

Approximately 3 years later, the ECMC began harrassing me again, so I filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The forced me to file 2 bankruptcies for the same problem. A plan for repayment was set up and I repaid it in full in June.

It was discharged in July and I was informed that my loans were now paid in full. I repaid over $18,000, plus payments I made prior to the bankruptcies. I have found since then that the ECMC did not honor the bankruptcy and added interest and penalties during this time.

They are now threatening garnishee of my wages. I do not believe that I owe them any further money (they now say I owe them over $23,000... More money than I borrowed in the first place even though I have repaid the amount originally owed in full.

This group is totally acting in an illegal manner. How can you possibly repay them when they continue to add additional interest and penalties whenever you are paying them. I need help as soon as possible, and I'm sure others have had the same terrible problem... Help...

Company: Educational Credit Management Corporation, ECMC
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St Paul
Address: P.O. Box 64909
Phone: 6512210566
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Educational Credit Management Corporation
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Educational credit manegement co
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Educational Credit Management Corporation, ECMC
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Stole My Federal Tax Returns For The Last 13yrs After sending Letters that the Loan was PAID

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