Everhome Mortage
Claim I missed a payment

Business & Finance

These people are the worse. They bought my loan from another company. They told me I could not make a payment untill they had my account ready and I have gotten my payment coupons in the mail. I got them pretty soon after that. I paid the June online around July 2nd or 3rd. Then paid the July payment soon after. Well That was 2 years ago and I still can't get the credit for the 1st payment They are saying i am 1 month behind. They put this on my credit report, so now i can't buy a new home or ever refi. With another company untill i get everhome to fix this. I have called them they said send them a copy of my bank statement, I did, they said it didn't look to be real, that it looked copied. So I had the main office of my bank send one to everhome, I never saw it. Everhome said they got it, but that the payment never went through due to NSF. The bank, me and everhome know that isn't true. You can see that there was more than enough money for it to go through, beside the money was took from my account. My bank has even said that everhome was crazy, and that they have done all they can to prove that the loan was paid. I'm getting letters from them telling me since I am having trouble making my payments that i should contact HUD for some help, that they would hate for me to loose my home. Also saying that if i don't send in an extra payment they will be forced to take legal action.

If you call them one of 2 things happen.
1. The person has no clue what your trying to explain, and ill just keep arguing that your wrong and they are right.
2. The person is very helpful, last guy i talked to said the he could see exactly what happend, he knew the payment was mis-posted. He said I'm going to take care of this, and call you right back, you never hear back, it isn't fixed, and you can never get him on the phone again.

Company: Everhome Mortage
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Site: everhomemortgage.com
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Everhome Mortgage Company
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