United Auto Credit
Called people who live across the street from me, (i dont even know their names) to give me a message because i was 8 days overdue!

Business & Finance

I made my car loan payment 10 days late this last month, but around the 8th day overdue, a neighbor from across the street, whom i dont even know their names, came up to my boyfriend and said they had gotten a call from someone asking her to relay a message to me and that i would know what it was about. When i saw it was the car loan lady i was appalled! Now i am assuming they had to have used a reverse address or something, cause i do even know these people. Can they do this to people legally? Do they have the right to randomly call anybody in your neighborhood? This to me is way over the line! I mean 8 days and they do things like this, it cant be legal, can it?

Company: United Auto Credit
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hayward
Address: P.o. box 57075
Phone: 9167831550
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