Cross Country Bank
Ripoff bogus fees ignorant employees liars

Business & Finance

I had a visa w/ccb and all they ever did was charge over the limit fees and other junk charges i tried everything to pay this card off. When i realized that a clear balance was never going to happen i stopped sending payments in, ccb then took $100.00 from my checking acct and never posted it to my acct. Their collections dept kept calling me which i thought was funny because they would call me a deadbeat and i should pay my bills like a responsible member of society, the reason i found them funny is because i am a car salesman and i see peoples credit reports all day long and my personel experience with people in collections that were trying to buy a car from me were alwats the same. They have the worst credit among all proffessions, they have the most accts in collections and could not finance a $1.00 hamburger with $0.99 down so next time those flakes at ccb call you names and mistreat you verbally remember those min wage *sholes should practice what they preach.

I managed to get them off my back by sending all my records to my state atty general changing my phone # closing my bank accts and transferring to another dealership. I am really looking forward to the response from those stupid and funny ccb emloyees who always say read your card aggreement that their own company doesnt even follow except when it comes to charging you bogus fees.

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Rotan
Address: Boca Ratan Florida
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Cross Country Bank

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Cross Country Bank
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