Cross Country Bank
Un Believable and Fraudulent Fees

Business & Finance

I know that I will be striking a chord when I mention the shafting I have been taking from Cross Country Bank. First off, I have tried for years to get these people to reduce my interest rate. I've gotten nothing but the run around and numerous excuses when I am able to reach them as to why it's not in their policy.

Second, I have been subjected to a "Participation fee" for "having the card" which I have asked on numberous times to have them remove, but get an excuse that it can only be removed when the balance has been paid off, although they claim that I received info about this bogus fee and was given the opportunity to "OPT" out. What peson in their right mind would purposley subject themselves to a fraudulent fee every month. When I finally spoke to someone, I was told that I needed to get the balance below $1000.00 to have the fee removed.

Third, I have tried to get them to explain why I am paying a "cash advance fee" when the card has been cut up for 10 months, and all I am doing is trying to pay off the balance. The answer I finally got was "because at one time you asked for a credit increase, another time you went over your limit (which I got a fee of $30.00 added to my account), yet another time I was late with my payment (so they claim) which I got another "take it in the shorts" fee, but I have been paying over the internet and received a confirmation number that the payment was posted before the due date. So when pressed to speak to a manager, the response is "we'll have to take your number and call you back". I am STILL waiting for that one to be taken care of!

Fourth, The Kicker is this one. I currently have a balance of $1800.04, the minimum payment is $54.00, the finance charge is $50.83, which means $3.17 is being applied to the balance, 94% of the money I send to this F@%*%#! Company is going to their Bull! &%# finance charges. When asked about that finance charge, along with the 30% interest I am being charged, the response was because I had a late payment by 6 days almost a year ago, that was the reason. But the funny thing is (again) is that my payments are made on the internet and (supposedly) posted that day, when in actuality, they aren't and I am dinged for the fees. Plus If this reaming isn't enough, I get the pleasure of an annual fee of $50.00 coming up here by the 14th of January '04 just for being one of the unfortunate individuals that is associated with this crooked company by virtue of their enslavement credit card.

Believe me I get so angry thinking about the money I have shelled out just to stay on top of this thing, knowing that I am taking it up the tail pipe with all their fees and finance charges that I wish that the F*^! Iraqis would take their aggression out on this company and bury them into oblivion.

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 800 Deleware Avenue
Phone: 3023264200
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