Freedom Resource
Ripoff, stole from me & my family, took our money and ran, tricked and lied to us

Business & Finance

April I applied for this credit card online, and the membership fee was to be taken out of my checking account for $221.95 which was done so a few days after. I waited about 30 days and called to see where my packet was, they had told me that it was on it's way.

In the mean time I had moved and called to give them my new address, they told me if it was returned, they would resubmit it to my new address. I called again after about 4 months, the person had told me it was sent to the wrong address and returned but would be on it's way in a couple days.

After about 6 months I called back they said that I should of received a signature card (which I didn't) but I did receive a packet with quite a few of the coupons cut out of it already, so I reported this back to them and told them I didn't receive the signature card, and once again, said I would recieve it in 5 to 10 business days.

It has now been a year this month since I was supposed to receive this card, and of course have not. I try calling their number of business everyday and I usually get a recording saying that "all circuits are busy, please try your call again later" or it does not even ring, I just get disconnected. I finally took action and did some research and found out it was a scam, boy do I feel like a fool.

These companies should be punished to the fullest extent, stealing from hard working family's trying to raise their children with good morals and values, they make it really hard for us to do so with con artists like this in our country.

Company: Freedom Resource
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Woodstock
Address: 1025 Rose Creek Dr., Ste 620 #387
Phone: 6182390131
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