Quicken Loans
Worst Experience of my life!

Business & Finance

I was attracted to Quicken Loans after reviewing their website and seeing that they were "the number 1 online lender." I also noticed that customer reviews (all 52 pages of them) were either 4 or 5 out of 5 stars in satisfaction.

My experience with Quicken Loans has been HORRIBLE. They have truly taken the joy and excitement out of buying my first home and replaced it with anger and frustration.

Anthony has been my "mortgage specialist" and I used quotations because if you ask me he doesn't know his butt from his elbow! He never returns phone calls. I would call and leave multiple messages on his voicemail and not hear anything back from him until he needed something from me, and then he would call. When I would bring up the issues I left messages about, more often than not he didn't have the answers and would leave me with empty promises to call me back.

Dropping the ball and dragging our feet seem to be the name of the game this man plays. That is all he's done throughout this entire process. He called me to tell me that in order to secure the FHA Financing, there were a few repairs that needed to be done. When I asked him what the repairs were, he said that there was a missing handrail. I knew from my realtor that this was something that could keep us from securing the financing, and we seen a lot of homes with missing handrails going to the basement and I knew for a fact that this house had no missing handrails. So I asked him where the missing handrail was. He gave me an attitude and said "I thought you would know what I was talking about! I'm going to have to get the report and call you back!"

After not hearing from him, I called my real estate agent to see if she recalled a missing hand rail in the house. She was actually getting ready to call me because she spoke to the closing company. A closing company I might add that wasn't supposed to be doing the closing!

I told Anthony that I was having my real estate agent's closing company handle the closing and I told my agent that as well. Apparently no less than six phone calls to Anthony and others with Quicken Loans to gain information to begin the closing went unanswered. All of a sudden out of the clear blue sky this company calls my real estate agent and says they are handling the closing. Sounds REAL shady if you ask me!

In a matter of picking and choosing your battles (as my mother used to always tell me), I decided to let Anthony win this battle and use his closing company since they already had things started.

My real estate agent left me know that per her conversations with the closing company we had to paint the handrail outside and the cement block around the foundation of the home. She also stated that we needed to get in touch with Anthony to ask him for a full list of repairs that needed to be completed so that there would be no problems when they came back out to re-inspect the house.

It took over a week between my real estate agent calling the closing company and me calling Anthony to get a list of repairs that needed to be done. I started with my initial conversation with Anthony on a Monday (where he would have to get the report and call me back), and on Thursday I told him that my agent told me of some painting that needed done. He completely snapped at me on the phone with an attitude "Well if that's what she says needs done, then that's what needs done! I don't have the report in front of me!"

I went to the house and did the painting the next day (Friday). On Saturday, Anthony called me back to ask if I did the repairs yet! I stated to him that I did the repairs that my agent told me needed done, but I was still waiting on him to get me the list of repairs that I needed to do to make sure that I did everything. He again stated that he didn't have the report and that he wouldn't be able to attain that until Monday.

On Monday, Anthony called me to request paperwork. It wasn't because he had the decency to actually get the report and call me back. It was simply because he needed something from me! I asked him AGAIN about this list of repairs as we are now about 2 weeks away from our scheduled closing date. He gave me the innocent "Oh my God! We haven't gone over that yet?!? I'm so sorry, I thought we went over that report!" I admit that I completely flipped out on the phone at this point, and he told me that the painting was enough. Well, imagine my anger and frustration when he called me back not more than five minutes later to tell me that we needed to install a new outlet by the kitchen sink. So I'm 2 weeks away from scheduled closing and I have to find an affordable electrician to do this! ARGH!

After ranting to a friend of mine online, he left me know that he did electrical work while in college and would be able to come over and help me out. I called my real estate agent to come unlock the house and let us in to do this.

I called Anthony as the work was being done and reported that it was completed so he could get the inspector back out there to re-inspect it. It took Anthony nearly two weeks to get someone to do the inspection. He claims that he was calling and e-mailing the appraisal company to let them know it needed done. I have my doubts!

The inspector never showed up until the day we were supposed to close. I knew we wouldn't be able to close that day, but had hope we would be able to close the deal the next day.

My hopes of closing the next day were shattered when I received a phone call from my real estate agent (who was extremely frustrated at this point) and was informed that the closing company waited until the day of the closing to mail the documents requiring the seller's signature to the seller who lives on the complete opposite coast in Washington state. I live in Pennsylvania, so imagine how long this will take!

Because of Quicken Loan's constant ball dropping and Anthony constantly dragging his feet on this process, I'm now left sitting here in my rental unit with all my stuff in boxes not knowing when I'll close the deal on my house.

More than all of that, I'm now being forced to pay an additional month's rent on my current home because I will not be able to move out in the time I promised my landlord.

It is my final plea to all of those looking to purchase a home to beware of Quicken Loans! They are nothing but slime balls who are out to make a dollar without caring one iota about the clients.

I guess the way to rising to the top and being "The number 1 online lender" is taking advantage of first time home buyers' lack of knowledge.

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
Site: quickenloans.com
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