Account Secure Plus With Orchard Bank
Lied, cheated, caused undue stress and money problems, no compassion, no heart, no honor of contract

Business & Finance

On Jan. 19 wife goes into hospital. It is determined she needs open heart surgery. Has a triple by-pass. Contact Account Secure Plus and they sent me forms. Sent forms THREE TIMES to these folks. I have talked to everyone who is in INDIA or wherever they are outsoruced to and to no avail.

They have caused my wife and I undue diress, stress, and undue pressure money wise. My wife cannot work until fully recovered; what are we to do&pay the account until the matter is settled they say. These folks and a pack of wolves have much in common. When you talk with these "people" it reminds me of trying to teach a pig to wrestle. You both get dirty and the pig likes it!

Company: Account Secure Plus With Orchard Bank
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Bridgewater
Phone: 8006901532
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Consumer Report

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