BB&T Bank
Illegal Fees

Business & Finance

I am trying to find out who regulates BB&T. I have tried the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission but cannot locate BB&T in their list of banks that they regulate. I have filed a complaint with just about every other agency known to man but I am sure they will all fall on deaf ears. BB&T shifts transactions around in order to justify any overdraft fees or NSF fees, Paid Item fees and Maintenance fees. They do not post your balance behind each transaction so you are left to estimate or guess about that. They do not post deposits on Fridays, Saturday, Sundays and in some cases Mondays. However they will post a debit in real time. Just an example, this month alone (March) I made a total of $1,461 in deposits, and just $588 in withdrawals. I was charged a total of $785 in overdraft/paid item/NSF and Maintenance fees. Although my records show that I have $872 in my account, BB&T has my account at -$166. They do not return my messages any longer. I will continue to seek legal action against BB&T, however I believe that it will unltimately take a class action law suit to bring this company down. If anyone has any information they would like to share or if anyone can be of assistance please contact me.

Company: BB&T Bank
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Mechanicsville
Phone: 8882265228
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Illegal Fees

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