Compass Bank
2000 in nsf fees since opening account in march

Business & Finance

I opened my account with compass bank in march. Since opening my account i am paying nsf fees alll over the place. I have paid almost 2000 in nsf fees since march. They wait to post my deposits and charge me 38.00 fees when i use my checkcard. They post my checkcard transaction first and then post my deposits so i go negative before they credit my deposit. These are direct deposits to. They go in automatically. I want to start a class action lawsuit against compass there are to many of the same complaints and the complaints are from everywhere not just here in az. I am researching on trying to do a class action lawsuit against compass their banking practices should be illegal.

Company: Compass Bank
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Phone: 5205144110
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I'll make it very brief, they've charged OD and NSF fees where they should not have, have held deposits to allow checks to go through, have held merchant service funds without permission