Acai Berry Detox

Business & Finance

To everyone reading this I filed a report with the B.B.B. And then called FWM Lab., and told them that I filed, they had till 5 pm. To e-mail me with there intentions or I would pursue this matter even if it meant fileing a class action law suit. I checked my e-mail at 5:30 pm & they responded with an answer my account will be credited in 3/5 days. I advise everyone to do the same. Make sure you file with BBB first then call 1-866-949-0138 follow instructions press 3 then listen, then press 0, a operator should come on then ask for their supervisor other wise you will get the run a round make sure to tell them you just filed your complaint, HOPEFULLY this will work for others. I still think that FWM should be investegated!!!

Good Luck to You.

Company: Acai Berry Detox
Country: USA
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FWM Labs
Ripping us off with different products, AcaiX3, Acai Berry Detox, etc

LRS Litigations, LLC 600 Superior Avenue E Cleveland, OH
Consumer Report

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized credit card charge

I hate this company just as much... Please read and be warned!

Cross Country Bank
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Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry Detox
Acai Berry Detox

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