Hilton Head Properties
Locked out

Business & Finance

These peoples must not pay their rent either. I see employees on here talking about not getting checks and the company hasn't paid bills. I stoped by thies week to pay my mortgage and the doors were locked and all lights off. When i aks the security they said the never pay rent so they get locked out all the time. Of course if we are 1 hour late with payment mr chase calls yeslling and screaming and threatening us and our homes. The man will get his due one day someone will turn him in

Company: Hilton Head Properties
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 144 Copeland
Phone: 21471298900
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J.W. Realty Inc
Scammers! - Rental Properties

Hilton Head Guest Services - Coral Resorts - VacationPlay.com - Hilton Head Hospitality, LLC
Best hotel vacation or vacation rentals on Hilton Head Island SC

Vacation Play - Hilton Head Guest Services - Coral Resorts - Hilton Head Hospitality, LLC
Best hotel vacation or vacation rentals on Hilton Head Island SC

Progressive Properties
Robert Bates Beware of Liars and Thieves

Rip off, rude, insulting, unacceptable

Coral Resorts Hilton Head S.C
Promised to purchase another time share we had. Lied. They would rent out our owners week, giving us the money, LIED

Hilton Head Hospitality
Deceptive timeshare sales

Hilton Head Guest Services
Credit Card Fraud

Coral resorts
Time Share

Folsom Properties Jennifer Scalzi
Horrible Property Manager/Landlord