Wells Fargo
Frozen account

Business & Finance

I somehow managed to receive 80 overdraft fees in the last year because of the way they post items online. Sometimes you will see somthing 1 day and it will be gone the next which is very confusing when you are trying to balance your check book. I had worked out all overdraft fees with my local branch and they had opened up 2 more checking accounts for me 1. To pay bills and the other just for my daily expenses. This was working out great until they closed my accounts. Anyway I was never notified of my account being frozen. 2 days ago I tried to use my card to buy food for me and my kids and my card was declined. I knew I had money in the bank due to my taxes being deposited previously. So I called the 800# on the back of my card and spoke to a customer service rep and they responded and said that I need to call loss and prevention for any further updates. So I called the number given and was told that my accounts are frozen and that I am unable to withdraw any money until March 24th. My husband's and my paycheck are automatically deposited in our account to pay bills and now for the next 2 weeks I am not allowed to touch any money or pay bills. I explained that I think this is unfair practice and that they cannot withold any money to me expect for my pending items. I have no money for gas or food and no money to make my weekly mortgage payment. They did not care and were vey rude on the phone. So basically sorry about your luck. If I would of known that they were going to close my account because of my previous year experience I would of transferred everything over prior to this. I want someone to do something about the way there policies works especially with theses trying times right now. I sent an email to the CFO and also filed a complaint with the FDIC. I am totally outraged

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
Site: wellsfargo.com
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