West Asset Management

Business & Finance

I've resolved a merchant account t/West Asset Management (888) 433-2886 & 770 618 2200 for 50¢ about the $1 on April and today I'm being prosecuted by Palisades Purchases XVI llc for that additional 50%. I am all set to courtroom t/my attorney to drive the corporation to pay for my lawyeris court costs after I get the situation. West Property declined to hear me after I named to confirm this situation was shut however it will need to get it done for Palisades. After I named headquarters at Marietta, the overall director didn't arrived at the telephone after which the receptionists continuously set me on-hold. I care the present general director neglect questions from Palisades who'll have to collect the info from my account

Company: West Asset Management
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Marietta
Site: westassetmanagement.com
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West Asset Management

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