Washington Mutual - National Union Insurance
Baited with "Free insurance" from Mortgage holder fine print says one year laer 9.9 is deducted from account

Business & Finance

Ever sign up for those free disability policies that your checking savings or mortgage offers, you can decline the extra coverage but send in a card to receive their free 10,000 disabilty policy? I have but the lastest mailings (I got two) from Washington Mutual boasts about a 10,000* no cost to you disablity accident coverage benefit. Bad news is that if you send in the card in one year the coverage gets bumped up to 200,000 and it then becomes 9.95 a month! All the other mailings for free insurance gave you the option ot actually get teh free min policy and didn't involke the upgrade and fee one year later. Really is a poor way to exploit a good customer with two Washington Mutual Mortgages. My mortgages are always paid on time, why exploit your customers for what a few bucks?

Company: Washington Mutual - National Union Insurance
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Phone: 4122882160
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