Greentree Financial Services
Greenpoint, Conseco ripoff, deceptive

Business & Finance

There is no compassion with this company at all they are now trying to take the house because of payment history. My son inlaw owns the house and he has been in two accidents in the last the last 2 1/2 years he drives semi for a living niether accident was his fault a tow truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and the other was a woman who went under the back tandoms of the trailer and died at the scene i had called greentree the day after the accident and the harrassment started real heavy up to 10 or more calls a day they also and started the name calling and calling my son inlaw a deadbeat we told them it would be three weeks before workmans compensation would be in the mail box. He was out of work then for about 6 months and previous accident he was out about 1 year there was only 6 months between the time he went back to work and the last accident. They have continuously were able to catch up on all late payments and at present time they are now caught up to march but yet they still want to take the house. They will not talk to you very long if the calls are being recorded or give you any information on the legals to this account. My big question is can they really take the house for payment history. If anyone can tell me please let me know it should be michigan law or federal law can any one help on this please the automated payment thing to what they have on written records does not match and i asked them to explain this to me they could not give me an answer other than it has me confused to i think that is a violation of consumer rights thing they now have all the kids money and nwo we have to try to find a lawyer that will take it i have no idea how we are going to do this thing with the money has been recorded i am tired of these issues with greentree i know of one more who has good credit rating and greentree just bought her loan and so far they have been charging her late fees when she mails her payments a week to two weeks ahead of the due date and yes she is related but in another state this company is crooked

Company: Greentree Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St Paul
Site: greentree financial
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