Citifinancial Mortgage
Ripoff abused & mistreated deceptive company

Business & Finance

It started back in October or November when I received a call from Citifinacial Mortgage asking where our mortgage payment was for the previous month. She was not even friendly about it. I told her we dont have a mortgage through them and her reply was, Yes you do. (Completely confused) I began arguing with her and was beginning to think it was a scam to give up my checking information. Questioning more on it, she told me that Citifinacial bought our mortgage and they wanted to know where our payment was. I said I mailed it out to the original mortgage holder. She then started to tell me how I had to pay again!!! I said, NO I DONT! Then she said if I wasnt willing to pay it again then I needed to get a hold of the original mortgage holder and find my payment. I asked, Isnt that your job seeing your the one that bought my loan without informing me? Getting so upset with them I ended up hanging up with her not knowing what to do. The next day almost everyday Citifinancial called my house asking for that payment. I felt like a broken record repeating the story how nobody told us our mortgage was bought, so I sent the payment to the original lender and NOW their expecting me to snap my fingers to either pay twice that month or come up with the payment I mailed out. Feeling harrassed I finally told them to track the payment down themselves and leave me alone. I pay my bills and this was all uncalled for. Needless to say they finally got their payment from the original lender and harrassed me for NOTHING! In my original agreement I found a paper that states both parties are suppose to notify us if/when our loan is sold, isnt that considered breach of contract besides harrassment?

Second problem with them. Every month I pay my mortgage the last friday of the month or before the 16th which is late after that. Last month I paid my mortgage on the 5th. On the 6th not only did I receive a call from them asking where the payment is but a letter in the mail. I told them I have until the 16th before its late so why call me every month before its late asking where its at? They said we like to know when we are getting our money.

They have even asked for me to spend more money to send it priority mail just so they get their money each month faster. I'm getting so tired of the harrassment! EVERY month its something new! On top of that they are not even nice about it. When they bought my loan and was asking for the payment they treated me as if it was my fault! How can companies be allowed to do this!?!?! Any insight of what I can do would be greatly appreciated! I get a average of 20 tele-marketers calling monthly also, I'm so sick of it!

My advice to everyone, if you sign up with Citifinancial, be prepared to be harrassed!

Company: Citifinancial Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: Des Moines Iowa
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