National Awards Advisory Center
False advertising

Business & Finance

I to was sent a letter from this company asking me to send in my 19.99 for the application fee they said i have already won the money, and that i had a deadline to send in the money i did but i have not recieved anything from them in months. Then i was told to look them up on the internet. When i did i was suprised to find out all of the other people that have recieved the same letter i, m very disipointed in the company putting people hopes up.

Company: National Awards Advisory Center
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: P.o Box 9002, levittown, new york 11756
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National Awards Advisory Center
This Company is a scam

National Awards Advisory Center
Sent letter saying I won 1,900, 000.00 telling me to send 19.99 RIPOFF

National Awards Advisory Center
National Awards Advisory Center received letter gram and found it to be a scam

National Awards Advisory Center
Offers a chance to win 1,900, 000.00 in cash and awards, tricks you into htinking you have won and only need to send 19.99 to confirm, this is a trick, you win nothing

National Awards Advisory Center - N.A.A.C
Liars! Phony scam artits! Crushed my hopes! Ripoff

National Awards Advisory Center
Fraud and scam

National Awards Advisory Center, National Awards Advisory Board
National Awards Advisory Center, Rip OFF MAILER... Million Dollar Promise! Uniondale, New York

National Awards Advisory Center
Ripoff SCAM Send NO Money!

National Awards Advisory Center
National Awards Advisory Center ripoff, trying to scam you!

National Awards Advisory Center
I received a confirmation letter stating I won 1.9 milllion dollar, all I had to do is send them 19.99 report fee. Ripoff