National Awards Advisory Center - N.A.A.C
Liars! Phony scam artits! Crushed my hopes! Ripoff

Education & Science

I am 22 years old. My husband and I have a 9 month old baby. Money is our biggest obstacle by far.

I recieved a letter today (August 16) from the "National Awards Advisory Center (N.A.A.C.)" that said I was a guarunteed winner of $1,900, 000.00. They said that all I needed to do was send in $19.99 for paper processing fees.

I couldn't believe this. The letter looked so real, that I wanted to believe it. But I searched all over, in all the fine print for a phone number. I couldn't find one. There was also no address. Only a P.O. Box.

This made me question the entire letter. I know that anytime I get a bill in the mail, there sure is a phone number to call for customer service!

I almost wanted to just send in the check to them, in the hopes that this was for real. It would have been great to be able to suprise my husband with that check!

But instead, I got online and "Googled" the company and the names listed in the letter. I found this website and a whole bunch of reports filed FOR THE SAME THING!

I am so mad that people out there have no heart and like to play with people's heads. Here we are, working our fingers to the bone trying to keep our heads above water, while some stupid scam artists want to live off our hard earned money!

I want to take them to court! I want them to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!

I don't even know if there is anything I can do. I'll tell you this, I sure am going to hold on to my copy of the letter, in hopes that a lawyer or someone gets a hold of me wanting to help me do something about this.

If anyone is going to court for this, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

This just isn't right. Plain and simple.

Company: National Awards Advisory Center - N.A.A.C
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Uniondale
Address: P.O. Box 9370
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National Awards Advisory Center
National Awards Advisory Center received letter gram and found it to be a scam

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National Awards Advisory Center
Sent letter saying I won 1,900, 000.00 telling me to send 19.99 RIPOFF

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1: National Awards Advisory Center, 2: APR Registrar Misleading, maybe to the point of mail fraud?

National Awards Advisory Center
I received a confirmation letter stating I won 1.9 milllion dollar, all I had to do is send them 19.99 report fee. Ripoff

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Informing me I was the winner of 1,900, 00 guaranteed Ripoff

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Required to send $19.99 for a "report" re: $1,900, 000 in cash and awards is obviously a scam

National Awards Advisory Center - NAAC
National Awards Advisory Center, NAAC GUARNTEED WIN-OPPURITUNITY