Privacy Source
Scamming the elderly Internet

Business & Finance

My mother died on December 20. My sister discovered that privacy source had been taking out $10 a month for the last four years. At first they said she agreed to it on the phone to their service in Jan 06. When I told them she had been in a nursing home since 05 they changed and said it was Jan 05. My mother was 85 years old and had alzheimers disease. She did not have the mental capacity to enter into an agreement. My folks never had a credit card or bought anything on credit so why would they need this ridiculous service. They had a checking acct. At Bank of America and I am assuming that is where Privacy Source (a division of B of A) got their phone # and info.

These people are evil. They are preying on the old and weak. I don't believe my mother agreed to this as she was extremely tight with money. She would not have agreed to almost $500 being taken from her for nothing. They have agreed to cancel the service but refuse to refund any of the money.

Company: Privacy Source
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Bank Of America
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