Greentree Servicing
Disgusting collection practices! Rude, obnoxious, harrassing, demeaning, terrible people!

Business & Finance

Hello my fellow abused citizens of these great U.S. Of America, I have been, threatened, degraded, humiliated, demoralized, and abused just like so many obviously. I can not figure why in this world a company as unstable as Greentree / Conseco / Greenpoint and how many other names it has had, can be so NASTY to people and not lose all of their business.

I also do not know why these people, (yes, "these people", not "this Co."), are allowed to be so MEAN to others and get away with it. Who do we "the people" need to contact? Where does this VICIOUS cycle end? HELP, someone, please!

I have been given 5 days to "GET OUT", with 3 kids and nowhere to go. I work full-time, go to college full-time and try to do the best I can. Times are tough, but they don't care! They call me "LAZY", that BI#@* does not know what she's talking about. She also says that I "don't care about my kids, because you can't provide them with a roof over their head". I am 2 months behind and have no other options according to Greentree representatives. I hope that Karma kicks her a*!!

Company: Greentree Servicing
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: 345 St. Peter St
Phone: 8006430202
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Greentree Servicing
Awful company

GreenTree Servicing - Conseco
GreenTree Servicing and Conseco Insurance ripoff!

Used To Be Conseco Help. Greentree on my back calling my dad and husbands job. Georgia

Conseco Greentree Financial
Conseco A.K. A Greentree Financial victims of conseco a.K.A. Greentree unite! Let's get the lying cheaters

Conseco Finance
Greentree Are they Greentree or Conseco because They were Conseco when I bought my home! Ripoff

Green Tree Servicing, LLC
Un-american company buries distressed homeowners refusing assistance options

Green Tree Servicing LLC
Green Tree Servicing LLC / 2nd Mortgage

GreenTree Servicing
Green Tree Should be ashamed and should apologize

Conseco Finance / Greentree
Rip-off Liars Lancaster South Carolina

Green Tree Servicing LLC
Joe @ greentree