Bank Of America
Machine Took Money, Gave No Receipt

Business & Finance

In late October I was depositing my money into my account for bills and rent. I used the ATM machine because the inside of the bank was closing, or about to close.

I put my card in the machine for a deposit transaction (Deposit) then it took the money, but the machine began making a really wierd sound like something was wrong. After a while the screen went white, then it said "Transaction cannot be processed" "Transaction cancelled" or some words similar to this. Then the machine spit out two really beat up, crumpled dollar bills and my card, and that was it!

It didn't give me a receipt for the money I had deposited, and why it spit out the two messed up dollar bills, I don't know because I had pressed to deposit my money!

I went home and called and spoke with a Woman in Customer Service and she looked up the transaction and said nothing showed for it at all, and call back in the morning to talk with someone in claims, which I did. I spoke with someone in claims the next morning and they took information over the phone and said they would credit my account for the amount I had deposited, but it would take 2 to 45 days to be finished, and I would receive a letter about this, which I did. This was in late October.

A couple of days ago, I got a letter in the mail & it stated that in certain words, according to their looking into what had happened, there was no cash deposited information, and I had to give them a photocopy of the receipt for proof of my transaction, but the machine messed up, took the money and DIDN'T print any receipt, (all of this information I had given the Man I spoke to in claims in October) so they're saying as of December 22nd, the temporary credit to my account amount will be reversed!

I called today and spoke with someone again, and now they're saying I have to go to the bank and get them to FAX a copy of this recent letter I recieved from them for proof because their machine didn't print out a receipt, their letter will be proof? And for me to write a letter to go with it explaining what had happened all over again.

I'm really upset and don't know what to do, is there anything I can do? Why do they want all of the information all over again when they have it from October, the day after this had happened? So I have deposited my money, and because their machine messed up, there is no reciept proof and now they're talking about reversing it out of my account in a few days???

What can I do??? I'm completely baffled and upset! Can anyone give me helpful advice on what I can do about this? Any help is really appreciated!

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: P.O. Box 53137
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