Home Mitigation Direct
Forecloser sceme

Business & Finance

This company claims to help people in forecloser they tell what you need as far as paperwork goes and will be very agreeable and helpful until they get their money. Once they got my money they told me they needed more documentation that I already told them before paying that i could not provide.

Although they have not filed a paper or made a phone call on my behalf they are under the impression that they can keep my money for not providing any service. Another words the only service this company provides is kicking someone when their already down. If you are facing forecloser and Home Mitagation Direct contacts you don't add to your problems they are theives and have no problem screwing people out of their money. If this company has taken your money contact the Florida atourney general and file a formal complaint

Company: Home Mitigation Direct
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 2813 Hiawassee Rd
Phone: 4074097056
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Daniel H Fox
Mitigation LLC He promised to save my home from Forecloser, took my last $1495.00 and never did a thing

Litton Loan Servicing
Ripoff illegal forecloser resell to their own investers

Home Mitigation Direct
What happened to home mitigation direct?

Tried to force my home into forecloser, even after i beg them to pls give me a pay plan. They did not give me a easy plan to pay back and refused to make the payments easy

Summit alliance group
They promised to help with modifing my home loan but only took my money and i never heard from them again

Home Mitigation Direct

Home Assure
Buyer beware... Do anything but do use this company

Washington Mutual Mortgage
Poor record keeping, out to get all the homes and money they can and ruin the credit standing of individuals RIPOFF

Home mitigation services
Sheldon Fleishman, Esq The Company deducted payments from checking account in total of 2,500. Post debit transactions they have failed to conduct contracted obligations of mortgage modification negotiations with our lende

Bills Made Simple
This Company Will Rip You Off And Leave In Worse Shape Then When You Started!