American Acceptance LLC
Deceptive practices

Business & Finance

In my opinion that I've been approached with a scavenger debt collector and forced into providing them with my bank card range employing illegitimate debt collection methods. A named me stating these were dealing with attorneys plus they were going to take my earnings. They stated they delivered me characters in additional claims where I'd existed. They were all lies. I've never obtained the very first bit of paperwork. I've read sites and scam records about that very organization by which others were equally offended utilizing the identical term-for-word software. I'm broken and furious that somebody might do that to my loved ones right before Christmas. I'm fretting about getting let go, I've A - 15 month-old infant and another on the road and today I've to be worried about the SOL with this 25-year old debt being elevated.

Company: American Acceptance LLC
Country: USA
State: Colorado
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