Hargrave And Associates

Business & Finance

Back in Feb I spoke with a person who suppose to have been an sales associate who told me this was a legal and safe program. After asking all the necessary questions, he assured me this was real. Here it is Dec. 02 and I haven't heard anything from them since I mailed all my important information to them. I feel so stupid.

I am a single mother that has finally got my life on track with a nursing degree and all I wanted to do was clean my credit up. I paid them $275. I happen to call the numbers and they were out of service and one had a busy signal. The website that I went to was unadvailable now. What can I do now??? I want my MONEY BACK!

I want to take legal, true legal actions against everyone that played a part and I am not goint to stop until I do. I am open to any advice!!! They must pay for preying on families that are really trying to get back on the right track.

Company: Hargrave And Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 3450 Dunn Ave Suite 101
Phone: 9047687988
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Hargrave And Associates
JACKSONVILLE, FL Hargrave And Associates - Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions I was ripped off. Jacksonville Florida

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