Hargrave And Associates
Scam Law Firm hargrave & ass

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In June I paid Hargrave and Associates $300.00 to remove erroneous information from my credit reports. Unfortunately, I have received absolutely nothing.

The Hargrave Website has been removed and replaced with a new one www.BFScredit.com. I tried several attemps to call and email the so called "Mr. Williams". The lines are always busy from 9am until 6pm. I was told to send personal information like DL, in order for them to contact the credit agencies on your behalf. I haven't recieved anything. I trusted them because my wife said she had heard of them a year or so prior to me doing busniess with them. So I trusted it was a legit law firm. Now I wonder if the contract we all signed is valid. I want my money back plus they could use my information to make fake DL's or anything.

Company: Hargrave And Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 3450 Dunn Ave STE 101
Phone: 9047681988
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Hargrave And Associates / BFS Credit Solutions
Hargrave and Associates are at it again

Hargrave And Associates
JACKSONVILLE, FL Hargrave And Associates - Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions I was ripped off. Jacksonville Florida

Hargrave And Associates
Hargrave and Associates agreed to repair my credit and help to educate me on keeping my credit straight

Hargrave And Associates
Credit repai

Hargrave And Associates
Stole my money and did nothing notice! FTC shuts down Hargrave & Associates, bank accounts frozen!

Hargrave And Associates
Paid 250 dollars for a credit scam

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions, Inc
$450 dollars and did not get one thing removed from our credit report!

Hargrave & Associates
Broken Promises and Ripped Me Off

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions
Hargrave And Associates - I was ripped off

Hargrave And Associates
Claimed to clear up my credit in 90 days for 280.00