Gordon Bell
The Fudciary a huge lier full of all sorts of stuff he can't do nor did

Business & Finance

Gordon Bell a self claimed fiduciary is a hoaxer, he claims to have a lot of knowledge about personal finances, but he him self has no job, a former banker that got fired years ago, a man looking to use your money for self gain, he claims to be published on the subject of personal retirement accounts, but all he actually did was pay some one to print a few paperback books with plagiarized information. He has no employment, no retirement fund in fact no real estate investment, he actually lives with his in laws, and his wife works as waitress in a Chinese restaurant, and he is a leach on her pocket strings. He claims to be a speaker on the topic but has never delivered a speech to any group just individuals he hopes to lay out for a con. You see he is a con man with evil in his eyes and don't let him become indebted to you cause he don't pay his bills cause he as no money of his own let alone to manage. Everything presented here is a provable truth. He, to gain face with his supporting wife, a naive hard working laborer as a waitress, he has built up this image that he is a fiduciary, so first he picks a word that your no going to be familiar with as a title, (this is part of an old scam to put you on your heels as he tried to make you think he is an educated professional) then what you have him invest your money in his account, because he not licensed as a broker of stocks or commodities, nor insurance as most fiduciaries are, he's not a certified accountant, he has no experience to fall back on because he has never had any money or a job other than as a teller in a bank, so he knows how to count money from your wallet and then deposits it in his account as he did mine, I never got a dime out of him. Oh he took me to the restaurant where his wife works to support him, and gave me a free meal or two, but he didn't pay just got a free meal off his wifes connections. So lets summarize some of this He married an immigrant woman that works like a slave for a restaurant, he doesn't have a job, nor seeks one convinced her to invest in his scheme of printing a book self proclaiming to be an expert on something he knows nothing about. Just to make her think hes working as a professional, he is alright, a professional thief, con man. Beware this man leers around where you would least expect to meet a con man, I met him at a local gym where I was a guest, he was a stalking criminal trying to get into my wallet. Well the only thing he did was get me to render services for the restaurant his wife works and had no authority to do so then I proposed that he pay something down for the work he was proposing for me to do for the restaurant, but he had none to pay down and when we were mooching off his wife at the restaurant I found out they already had already contracted someone to do the work he had me doing.By tis time he was into me for over $450. And wanted me to just walk away, then wanted to give him the work I had done so far for him, but I own the copyrights to this work, and offered to sell him a dead beat customer the rights to what I had done so far. So I picked a relatively high number unaccomplishable by a man without a job, so he gets mad at me and uses this site to slander me with falsehoods and lies, the fact is hes just a dead beat guy who runs up bills with small legitimate business people then leaves them hanging with out any pay. Beware he is a specialized sleek cat that is out to get you one way or another, a leach off the naive, a predator.

Medford, Oregon

Company: Gordon Bell
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Medford
Address: Lives Wth Brother In Law Has No Home Ofhis Own
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