Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital victimized many consumers rip-off SOB's

Business & Finance

WOW, I'm not the only one!!!

This is the first web site I have come to about Fairbanks and I am so SHOCKED at how many people they have done this too. We have been with Fairbanks for about three years (not by choice) it was when our mortgage was sold. They took advantage of us in 11.

At that time I did talk to a lawyer and when I mentioned "Fairbanks", his reply was "oh" which from the tone of his voice he had heard or dealt with them before. Unfortunately at the time they (Fairbanks) was pressing us for money and the lawyers cost was more then I could afford at the time. So, I paid all the fees because we were afraid of losing our house.

At that time I also questioned about receiving a statement and they replied "they don't have to send them out or update them, it is just a courtesy, when they do send them out. Well, it happen again!!! When I called to speak to someone I got that I owed one (1) total, after hanging up and reviewing what payments I had made, I called back.

I requested to speak to the CS Agent I had just spoke with but they said anyone can help me, so after speaking to one person I got a different total and then was transferred to speak to someone about all the extra fees applied, he then gave me a different total, keep in mind, this is the third (3) quote in under 20 minutes.

I then requested I be sent a copy of explanations to all the fees and charges I was told "he would put the request in but was not sure if they would do it or not!" I said "as a paying customer don't I have the right to know where all this money is going? - and again he replied "well, it's only a courtesy"

As I stated earlier this is only my first web site and I am excited to read all the other stories, hopefully together we can make a difference and stop these people from stealing our money that we work so hard for!

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 3815 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: 8008330713
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Fairbanks Capital Corp

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Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff tricked and lied to us victimized many consumers