Cannot Tell
Fraudulent Credit Card Charge

Business & Finance

39.95 was charged 10/15 to my Money Visa Card by the corporation who I never heard about. After carrying out a research on them they've been carrying this out for a long time and you will find a massive levels of issues about them. They don't reply their telephone and also you can't tell the things they do whenever you continue their site. Needed to stop my card.

Company: Cannot Tell
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Acai Berry
Fraudulent Charges
Fraudulently charged visa debit card Internet

Us Search
Us search has charged my credit card $14.95 for the last two months for a one-time search. The most recent is pageland

Consumer Report

Company made an unauthorized charge of $36.00 to my credit card account - NEVER purchased anything from them

Pioneer Media
Debit Credit card fraudulent charge on My VISA card. $10.29

Legacy Visa Card - First National Credit Card - First National Bank
Fraudulent terms in agreement. Required an enormous amount of money to be charged to the card to be able to obtain credit. Ripoff

Skype ripoff unauthorized credit card charge

Google Money Tree
Charged my bank account $72.21 for a membership I never ordered and refuses to credit the bogus charges

Pioneer Media LLC
Fraudulent charge on my VISA credit card $11.89 Anywhere