Portfolio Recovery Associates
"We will ruin your credit, until you pay!"

Business & Finance

10/8/08 - There was a message on my answering machine asking me to call 800-860-0644 and they were trying to collect a debt. Thinking this was a wrong phone number, I called back so they could remove my number from the account they were collecting on. The operator answered and asked for the phone number where the message was left. She placed me on hold and came back with my husband's name. They were collecting on a Visa card opened in 1995 and the last payment was received in 1998. I asked her if she was sure she had the right person and she knew the last 4-digits of my husband's SSN. The account was originally under First North American National Bank; look them up - they are known for their scams, too. She told me the amount was for $1980 but they were offering a settlement of $790 and I could pay over the phone. I told her no thank you, but mail me the information. She told me to expect a power blue envelope in the mail.

10/9/08 - I spoke to my husband about the phone call and the collection for the "Visa card". He never had any type of credit card in his name until 3 years ago, much less 1995-1998. My husband called Portfolio Recovery Associates to find out what this was about and get some information. The customer service representative became very rude with him, then a supervisor got on the phone. The supervisor began to threaten my husband. Wanting to know how we could pay so much for our mortgage, but not pay the amount owed to them. He knew where we banked, who our mortgage company was, and other credit history. He told my husband they had pulled a hard credit report and they knew everything they needed to know about us. He even said, "We will ruin your credit, until you pay!" My husband told him PRA would not get a dime because it was not legitimate. The man endend the call with, "You will be hearing from us."

We have pulled a credit report and PRA did run a "hard" credit inquiry. I hope that they are bluffing and this is the last of them. I have contacted my local police department, who has given me the following phone numbers:
Norfolk Police Department - Non-Emergency 757-441-5610
FTC 877-438-4338
Equifax 800-525-6285
Transunion 800-680-7282
Experian 888-397-3742

Join me by calling to report PRA, and we can stop this madness together!

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: PO Box 12914
Phone: 8008600644
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
Illegal hard inquiry on my credit report for a debt that is not mine, does not appear anywhere on my credit report and is over allegedly 17 years old

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Scam and cheating

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Portfolio Recovery Associates Portfolio Recovery is trying to collect on a debt that a) I never had, and b) is from 1998. Lots of phone calls! Ripoff

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Harrassing My Husband and I over a debt that happened over 11 years ago

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Credit Report

Portfolio Recovery Ass., PRA
Portfolio Recovery Ass., PRA Low life scum

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Fradulent debt collecting

Portfolio Recovery Associates
They left an e-mail message to call about collection of a debt

Portfolio Recovery Associates - Collection Agency
Portfolio Recovery Associates reported bad information to all three credit bureaus

Portfolio Recovery Associates - Collection Agency
They called to collect a 21 yr old debt that was erroneously on our credit report!