Three Rivers Federal Credit Union
Accounts Not Balancing

Business & Finance

I am wondering if any one else has noticed that your accounts with Three Rivers Federal Credit Union rarely balance? I keep VERY close watch on my money, never the less, often enough when I balance my account - that I manage on my home computer and compare with Three Rivers, they almost always show me having less money than MY records show. Over the last two years, I have lost over $300.00 to this TRFCU disappearing act. Sometimes, I will balance my accounts, see that my records don't match TRFCU, adjust my account, so it matches, make no purchases over the next week, check it again, and find it is off again by sometimes as little as $3.00 or $4.00, or as much as $33.00. No matter how hard I look, I can not find where this money went. I have no record of it, nor does TRFCU. It is just gone. The people I speak to at TRFCU are often rude about this, speaking to me as if I am some sort of idiot, and just not monitoring my money close enough, when I am an ex-police officer of nearly 13 years. Detail was my JOB! Never-the-less, they have no answer for this except that it MUST be on my end, as they "use computers to manage the accounts, and the computers can't make mistakes." I try to explain to them that I too use a computer to manage my accounts - thus, it can't make a mistake either. It seems that no matter how far back I go on my computer, I can NOT find the missing money. I have come to the conclusion, and it is my opinion that somehow or another, the money is being taken out, a date is being entered that is perhaps years ago, so it is impossible to track. Whenever I write a check, or make a withdraw, I take the amount out of my Quicken account at home, usually the same day, I take out ALL bank fees, Foreign Transaction Fees, and any bounced check fees that might occur ASAP! Yet I still find that my account is off from TRFCU's records. It's never that they show MORE money, it is ALWAYS less.

Please, If ANYONE else is seeing this, even if it's just occasionally, or what you might think to be an inconsequential amount (even small amounts can add up to BIG money over time, or if there are enough members who this is happening to). I would like to know, no matter how insignificant the amount or frequency. If this is something that is bigger than just me, I think it needs to be looked into much closer. Please, send any information to: MrTransAm AT

Company: Three Rivers Federal Credit Union
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Fort Wayne
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