UPN Services
Unauthorized billing

Business & Finance

On Sept 24th me and my husband went to the bank to withdraw money from our account to start a little Christmas shopping. When we went to take money out it showed that we were in the negative, so we went into the bank to find out what happened and the bank teller told us that there was a check withdrawn of $399.00, it stated on the check authorization on file. Thats when we called the number and talked with someone to ask them what this company was. The lady told us that it was an identity theft protection. We stated to the lady that we never purchased this and that we wanted our money back, she said that they will send us a letter with a referral number on it and to call them back. We still haven't received a letter from them, we went to our bank and switched our account, filed a fraud complaint and told our local news paper.

Company: UPN Services
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Watertown
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UPN Services
Company took money out of our account without our permission. Nationwide

Shopping Facts Inc
Sent me a Check for $ 4,998 and that $ 300 was mine

Service Probe Inc
Mystery Shopper Scam Artist Canada

Consolidated Finance
Federal Grant Scam ripoff

Merrick Bank
Ripoff what I really deserve back from those jerks is $50.00

Certegy Payment Recovery Services
Check cleared but still want full payment OFF THE CHECK Florida

They don’t check ID when withdrawing

Uxbridge Financial Inc
UFI Uxbridge Grant Scam

Fifth Third Bank
Ripoff keep taking money from my account when i no longer have account with them

Readers Digest / Safeco
They may have had my mother convinced, but not me!