I to have been a vicim of Richard Wonderlic of Amerista

Business & Finance

I purchased a car and lost my job right after I bought it. I told Ameristar I was filing Chapter 13 bk and he repoed my car before I got to the court house with papers. His repo company caused great havoc at a friend of mine when they took the car causing property damage to his neighboor and driving erratically. They also took my purse in the vehicle. He told me my items were somewhere in Chicago and " I should have a nice trip getting them" I live in Wisconsin. He then never answered another call from me about where in chicago they were.

The morning I filed the BK in court I called and left three messages on his and other peoples voicemail that I was at the court house and he would have a filing number in a few hours. He then never responded after he got notice of bk. I wrote a letter to the judge that he wouldnt tell me where the car was or my items. His lawyer then showed up in court with a statement (5 weeks after the bk was filed) stating the car was sold merely 1 hour and 23 minutes prior to Bk filing. (yeah right) He never notified the court or myself 4 five weeks that it was sold. He could have eliminated the court hearing by providing that info. He allowed the schedules to be done as if the whole car loan was due as well. He also did a wage assignment after the car was repoed so he was getting money on it before he sold it. He accepted and cashed a payment from me after the automatic stay was in place. WHich after the hearing he did refund the money. Because he is such a great guy. He also told court he notified me by mail and phone of where my items were. Which is a lie I have incoming and outgoing phone records. The letter he sent didnt say where the items were.

After court he left a message telling me he didnt know where they were he only had to hold them 10 days but his lawyer pointed out in court it said they would hold on to them for 60 days. I notified his lawyer of what he said about the ten days and she then found my items and at there cost usps everything to me. He purposley repo, ed and sold the car and he told me the day he repo'ed that he would never honor a automatic stay and that I would never get the car back. He already knew he was going to screw me over no matter what it took. Isnt a lendors objective to be to get paid not repo the items? He is a crook and I want to prove it. I am taking him to state court for all of this.

Company: Ameristar
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Libertyville
Address: 1795 Butterfield Road
Phone: 8472472600
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