Love, Beal And Nixon
Suit filed no summons served. What to do. Ripoff

Business & Finance

My wife is apparently being sued by this company, Love Beal and Nixon PC on behalf of Midland Credit Management. She has no knowledge of either company. We were never served and only found it by seeing a filed entry on the Oklahoma Court website. (I look up people I hire so i use it often). She went to the court house to find information and they gave her a copy of the petition filed on March 30th.

We have never gotten anything from these people and the filing showed her address as being one she lived at 16 years ago. The court house said they could not serve her the papers. We want to fight this, we do not have a budget for a lawyer. I have read many items on the internet but have yet to really find the steps I need to take to deal with this.

Please any info, legitimate info, would help us greatly.

Company: Love, Beal And Nixon
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 6621 North Meridian
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