Fifth Third Bank
Terrible experience

Business & Finance

Fifth Third Bank foreclosed on my home illegally. They used forged signature on a loan modification, which the interest rate went up. They applied illegally fees for an alleged missing payment for 7 years. NSF on a money order. Applied hazardous insurance when they did not pay for home owner's insurance. Lied about the fee and said it was PMI. The bank sent a letter promising an investigation but within hours sold my home at a sheriff's auction. Offered me a repurchase agreement but in court denied the entire thing. The bank acted as if they were working with me but this was just a scam to get me to court to have me evicted.

This bank stole my home because of all their deceit and undermining ways. Please watch out for this bank because they do not care about any of their customer's!!!

Company: Fifth Third Bank
Country: USA
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