Legal Affidavit Office
National City Bank attorney theft

Business & Finance

I received a voice mail on my cell phone. The man was very threatening and warned me not to delete the message and for me or my attorney to call him back immediately concerning a case that had been filed against me regarding theft.

I called the number back and they recited the info from a payday loan received on a certain date, in a certain amount in my checkbook. They stated that National City Bank was suing me for the amount of the loan which they stated I had defaulted on. I told them I would give them no further info until I verified their claim and I ended the call after verifying their phone number.

I did verify the loan amount and the payback. I will be contacting my bank to find out how these scam artists got that much information on me.

I called their number back and let them know I was reporting them and to never bother me again.

Jo Lynn
Indianapolis, Indiana

Company: Legal Affidavit Office
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: 7932 Hunters Path
Phone: 3104056167
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