NCO Financial Systems
They called five times

Business & Finance

NCO called at 8:08 am. I answered they hung up.

NCO called at 9:40. Was not near my phone.

NCO called at 11:30. Was not near my phone.

NCO called at 2:15, I answered and they hung up and I called them right back. I spoke with call center person. Tried to get me to pay them, even though I had made arrangements with Capitol One the day before. Hung up with call center person.

NCO called at 5:35 and hung up.

Called NCO backed at 5:36 and had a bad connection and it sounded like someone was having sex in the background. I got a lot of muffled noises, and people screaming YEAH Yeah, Yeah in the background. Customer service person said "now is not a good time, please call back later." Shocked... I hung up.

Called NCO back at 5:38 and got different person. Told him that I had spoken with someone already that day and that he was the third person I had spoken with from company. Nice, he apologized and said he would notate my account.

NCO Called at 6:26 and hung up again. LIVID!

Called NCO back at 6:26! Call center guy proceeds to tell me that the last record they have of speaking with me was in AUGUST! What! He shoes no record of ANY phone call from today. I said "Would you like me to pull my cell phone records and send them to you?" I tell them that I had already made arrangements with Capitol One to make a payment and he says that there was no way that they contacted me directly. I said Uh, yeah because C1 always says this is so and so from capitol one, not NCO financial. Silence... I said, all I want you guys to do is to stop calling me today, this is bordering on harassment. He says I have to send in a letter and let them know. I got the address, and then he proceeds to ask me again, if I would like to make a payment. I finally ask to speak with supervisor because I find it really hard to believe that he couldn't find anything on the account notating that I had called or that someone had spoken to me. "Uh they are all in meetings for an hour." I say «Oh, I will be happy to wait."... Five minutes later... Manager says that "I have been removed from their call list and a cease and desist has been noted on my account."

Now, my husband and I pay our bills. I was on disability for back surgery in Jan/Feb. The day I came off disability, we moved because my company relocated their office so I had to move. I work in the apparel industry and can't just find work anywhere, so I had no choice but to move. Either start my whole career over at entry level salary in a different field or continue and make 11K more than what I was making. Yes, we are delinquent in bills. Yes, I am trying to pay them, and YES I work with my creditors when they call. But WTF! This company is crazy.

Company: NCO Financial Systems
Country: USA
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