VISA Extended Warranty Protection Program
VISA USA scams. Watchout. My computer battery replacement was not covered

Business & Finance

I purchased a new Sony computer for $2300.00 and I received a $150.00 mail in rebate from Compusa and a $100.00 rebate from Sony. I registrered for the warranty 3 days after the purchase with all the proper paperwork, which doubles the SONY manufactures warranty. VISA responded with a very cordial thankyou and that the warranty is on record. During the extended warranty period, my battery needed to be replaced. VISA denied payment because after they reviewed my CompUSA purchase receipt they noticed I had not paid the full retail price of the product because of the rebates that I received. END OF STORY.

Watch out for visa scams.

Company: VISA Extended Warranty Protection Program
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Great Falls
Phone: 8006355529
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CompUSA Extended Warranty not honored Au/Sony/Sony-VGP-BPS10-Battery.html
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