Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Ron Seligmann
Deceiving Practices offering non existent products from "Partners" to lock business

Business & Finance

Ron Seligmann, Home mortgage Consultant, for Wells Fargo mislead me with a nonexistent product in order to obtain the business. Despite complaints to Wells Fargo and attempts to meet with his supervisor Pat Bowman, Wells Fargo opted to ignore me and therefore support its employee misleading sales tactics.

My search for my home went from October to Feb. From the beginning I started working with Ron Seligmann first while he worked with Countrywide and then moving to Wells Fargo. First he tried to lock me into a rate numerous times while I insisted I did not want to be locked without even having any written application from me or request. On the day I decided I needed final offers in order to prepare for closing I requested final offers from 3 companies/brokers. I let Ron Seligmann know that his offer on the second trust was not the best. He came back with another offer I quote: "In trying to be as aggressive as possible on the rates, the options I have for the 2nd Trust have changed, to provide you the lowest rates". He then proceeded to offer same first trust terms and a second trust 30 year for 7.5% with BB&T a partner". I have this in an e-mail AND I have his GFE that shows this second trust at 30 years.

The day of the closing the documents for this product were not submitted. I called him asking for them, he said the product was to be "converted" the next day, I demanded to have all the documents but he said that since the bank was closed he could not get it. He assured me and my broker that it was to be converted the next day. Unfortunately if I did not close I was to lose my escrow money. I asked him to fax me something with his handwriting confirming, he wrote 7.5 % on the side of the documents but not 30 years. Here is where I know that he knew exactly what he was doing!

The next day he calls me (refuses to put anything in writing) telling me that he misunderstood what BB&T offered. Therefore my options to reduce the payment (that jumped from low 200 to almost 500/month) were to come up with more money or re-finance that second trust. I was outraged, not only I was no longer the ideal customer (one large trust, excellent credit score, and no debt) but I had to pay more fees to refinance HIS mistake! He said he would pay for the fees. I attempted to file a complaint with Wells Fargo; they gave me the run around claiming they could only "service" their mortgage (which they got ONLY because of the consultant deceiving me with a second trust that did not exist!). Finally they had his supervisor Pat Bowman call me. I set up an appointment with him; he cancelled twice and then proceeded to ignore calls or e-mails. Clearly Wells Fargo has no interest in pursuing an investigation on their deceiving consultants.

At this point in time I am in the process of getting lawyer to clear this mess up. Nevertheless through the Internet I will do my best to make sure that other people are not deceived by Ron Seligmann or Wells Fargo. I am able to tighten up my belt and make my payments other people would be losing their home the day they close. It is simply amazing that despite all of the current mortgage scandals, Mortgage companies and brokers continue to be irresponsible and behaving like con artists!

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Ron Seligmann
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Rockville
Address: 6116 Executive Blvd, Suite 115
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