Universal Intertrade
Lotery 1902

Business & Finance

Recieved A letter from Universal Intertrade stating I had won the loto for 150,000 part of a 1,500, 000.00 lotery that I had not entered. Well they sent acheck in the amount of 4,983.98 that was deducted from my wining for use as to pay the taxes and Goverment fees. The taxes And fees for were in the amount of 2,996.00 to be paid toWilson Gifford 1-289-885-0006 to claim your funds contact the instatution within five business days

Company: Universal Intertrade
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Greenup
Address: 40 W Pleasant St
Phone: 2968850006
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Universal Intertrade RE: Wilson Gifford And Melinda Cobb
LOTTO Rip Off At the Hands of UNIVERSAL INTERTRADE Greenup

Universal Intertrade, Wilson Gifford And Melinda Cobb
National lotto co-operation sweepstakes lottery held on june 21st

Universal Intertrade
Final winning notice?

Universal Intertrade - National Lotto
Universal Intertrade Universal - National Lotto not what they seem?

Universal Intertrade
Lottery rip off

City Intertrade
Scam Scam, Ripoff, Lotto Award scam

Universal Intertrade
They said i had won the lottery and sent a check for me to deposit into my acct. For the taxes

Zenith Intertrade
Letter stating I won 150,000 US Dollars & sent me a check for 4,992.87 to pay for taxes

Universal Intertrade
Fraudulant Check

City Intertrade - Joyce Anderson - Michael Williaams
Sent a letter with a 4,989.54 check saying I had won 150,000 dollars. I was to send them a check for 2,998.00 dollars Delray Beach