Parkwood Lending
Waiting to see

Business & Finance

I am dealing with Parkwood Lending as I write this. I am scared to death that they will rip me off. I have done alot of checking on my own about this company and other than this forum, I have found nothing bad about them. Yes, they are not members of the BBB, but lots of companys' aren't members. There are no complaints registered against them. Someone wrote in and said that they checked the address on an arial map and that there was nothing but a bunch of trees located at 2200 South Dixie Hwy. Not so! There is a office building and a parking garage. I also checked with the US Postal Service and it is a good address. They also said the fax number wasn't legitimate. Again, not so. I called (786-472-8836) myself and it is a good number.

I have been talking with Tedd Arnott, a Senior Loan Consultant, and he said the company is aware that people are writing negative things about them and yes, they did revoke these peoples loan offers or require additional funds before they would fund the loan. The reason for this was because these people falsified their loan applications in some way. He said that they have been in business 14 years and have had nothing but good service and that this does not happen normally. As long as you are honest on your loan application, there shouldn't be a problem. As far as the claim that it's illegal to ask for money up front or a fee of some sort, they are okay in that department because the money that you will be asked to send will be applied to the principal of the loan. I work for an attorney and he has looked at the loan documents they have faxed to me and they appear okay. Yes, their are clauses in it that protect the company if anything should go wrong, but all loan companys, banks or financial institutions will have that type of clause. They have too.

I am going to go ahead and try this. I may be stupid and regret it, but I'm desperate for the loan. If I get screwed, I'll be writing back to let everyone know. Maybe I'm really gullible! I'll also have the attorney I work for slap a lawsuit against them for false advertisement so fast they won't know what hit them! I have really tried to do my research here and I know it's on the fence, but like I said... I'm desperate enough to try. If anyone knows of something else I need to know, please write soon. I'm supposed to send the $2,345.00 tomorrow!

Company: Parkwood Lending
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 2200 South Dixie Hwy
Phone: 8668218420
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Parkwood Lending
Luckily they did not get any of my money!

Parkwood Lending Group
Ripoff scam for loan - sent money in by money grahm, was told funds would be in my bank account the next day - ha ha - wanted more money the next day - I am suppose to get my money 7/3 - I bet I don't see the $1510.00

Parkwood Lending Group
Rip Off

Parkwood Lending Group / Craig Stevenson / Eric J. Dunning / Michelle Risebrough
Don't be ripped off like so many others have before you!

Parkwood Lending Group
So called Lending Company called to inform me of my 15K loan approval

Parkwood Lending
This company scammed 3345.60 from me

Parkwood Lending Group
They cheated me out of $1533.18

Parkwood Lending Group
Scam, secured loan, sent money, never got the loan

Parkwood Lending Group
Scam DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY, Miami Florida

Parkwood Lending
Looks like a scam - parkwood lending