Hc Processing
Contacted every neighbor on my street

Business & Finance

I was in the hospital for two weeks and began getting calls from HC Processing on my answering machine.

A few days after I was released from the hospital, neighbors began to visit and told me someone from HC Processing called them and was asking them questions about me and where I was.

They also received subsequent calls telling them they were trying to locate me due to an emergency and could they go over to my house and make me call them back.

At this point I issued them a cease and desist order (4 times as of today) and they still call my home, neighbors and job (even though my boss has told them not to call at work).

Funny thing is I don't have an account with them. My deceased dad did (with sleepnumber bed), and that was included in probate.

Company: Hc Processing
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Springdale
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