Homecomings Financial
They began forclosure two days ago

Business & Finance

I have had my head in the sand. I hate feeling gullible. I know from what I've read that I need to research my mortgage history. I will obviously start now. Any advice on how to tackle the daunting task of gathering records.

They are the nastiest company I have ever had dealings with. I have just been taking the blame and guilt and letting them take my money. I won't let them have my home.

My husband is a self employed residential builder. We have never been able to get a regular loan so I'm used to feeling taken advantage of. However, harassed is unacceptable.

We refinanced a few years ago in order to build on and sell. We were ripped off by a client and had to use the construction money to pay for his kitchen. It all went down hill from there.

We had worked so hard to build our credit and thanks to the sudden payment increases it is now completely trashed. Being self employed and having bad credit, no one will refinance us.

I would love information on how to back track any documentation and what I should be looking for. How exactly have they been ripping us off.

Fees and interest are a given. Harassment isn't illegal so no recourse their. My husband has been clinically depressed and my family is falling apart. They have to be stopped.

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Waterloo
Phone: 8007999250
Site: homecomings.com
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