Homecomings Financial
Help, losing home! $30k interest charges & fees ripoff

Business & Finance

Homecomings has applied $30k of interest and attorney's fees to my mortgage. Currently, my home is in the process of being foreclosed by Homecomings. I've been attempting to locate lenders to refinance but I can't refinance for more than 70% of my home's value (~$132). The principal owed on my home is $67k.

A mortgage company working on my behalf spoke with Neil Joshi of Homecomings who shared "we could sell the home and get our money back and still make a nice profit." (The current payoff total is $98K). Needless to say, Homecomings would not budge when the mortgage company attempted to settle. (The prospective mortgage company was asking Homecoming to reduce/eliminate the interest charges and they were will to payoff the entire loan.)

Being a social worker, I have had a lot of grant jobs and the funding ended especially right after 9/11, when my financial history became shaky, laid off due to state budget cuts. I filed a Ch 13 but it was dismissed due to a fraudulet parlegal company. Filed again under the order of the courts. Case dismissed again due to family medical issues (caring for handicap mother). Filed again lost business due to a client starting a fire in the home. (No structural damage).

My current working situation is extremely stable working as a contractor with the Dept of Defense. I'm commuting 140 miles daily to work.in August, I filed a CH 13 making payments monthly to the trustee $2k monthly. My case was dismissed again because the judge felt I was an irresponsible person who was only using the system to keep from paying my bills. (My bills are this house, student loans, & car payment). I made my payments to the trustee but it doesn't seem like the payments were applied to my loan.

These past 6 years have been extremely difficult. I'm still caring for my handicap mother who resides with me as well as my 10 year old daughter. If I lose my house, where will go? What would I do? I can make the payments and companies are willing to help me even with bad credit. BUT the $30k Homecomings is asking for is hurting my chances in saving our home.

Someone, please help me! I know there are penalities for not paying your bills but $18k interest charges and $12K in attorney's fees.By the way, the attorney's Homecomings was using in Orlando, FL has a civil suit filed against them for over charges. I'm sure they tacted on a lot of errroneous charges as well.

My home will be sold late January 07 or Early February if I can't get my home refinanced. I am desperate! Please help soon! I know God has angels out there. Jesus, I need an angel!

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 2711 N. Haskell Avenue
Phone: 8002092901
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