Stole my money, refuses to credit me after numerous promises to reimburse me

Business & Finance

I signed up with pureplay in December on there 2 week trial membership and then paid $19.99 for the full membership. I used the site often and would have enjoyed my experience, although it sometimes seemed "rigged" if they did not have continuous technical difficulties which prevented me from either getting into the site, or worse kicked me out of tournaments while I was in play.By late January I was fed up and contacted them via email to complain. I had spent 4 hours that night trying to get into there site unsuccessfully and I was disgusted. They promptly replied to my email and informed me they were forwarding my complaint to a manager. I was then contacted by Barbara via email. She apologized for the problems I had encountered, assured me the problems had been resolved and offered me Febuary for free. I let her know that my membership for Febuary was already pending on my credit card and asked for a credit for March instead, which she agreed to give me.

The beginning of March I received my credit card statement and found that pureplay had again taken money from me. I called the next day to complain and cancel my membership. The customer service rep that I spoke with went back over the records, verified that I was suppose to recieve March for free and assured me my credit card would be credited for the $19.99 they took by mistake. Three weeks later I logged into my credit card to verify this was done and surprise, surprise, it wasnt. So I called again. This time I was told that Barbara was working on my case and she would have to call me back. I asked if it would be that day and they told me yes, she should contact me in the next hour or two. She didn't, nor did she call the following day. Angry I called yet again on the third day. I did get ahold of Barbara and she seemed very nice. She apologized repeatedly, and guarenteed I would receive my credit. Again I waited. 10 days later I called again. This time Barbara (who seems to be the ONLY person I'm alloweed to speak with) spoke to her supervisor and assured me this credit would be posted back to my card THAT DAY. 2 days after that when the credit still had not been issued I reported it as a fraudulent charge to my credit card company. They informed me that I have to supply them with proof that I cancelled and that the credit was promised to me, I however do not have this as it was done over the phone. So 4 days ago i sent another email response to pureplay demanding my credit within 48 hours and notifying them i was reporting them here on usacomplaints.com as well as with the BBB. I have not received a reply. Big surprise huh? I will waste even more of my valuable time again tomorrow to call for the 6th time in order to get this matter resolved. It is now mid April I won't hold my breath, but I wont give into them either. I WILL get my money back one way or the other for pure principle!

Take it from me, these people DO NOT run a professional business. They obviously LIE and Steal and there promises are no good. Don't get taken by them like I did.

Company: Pureplay
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Site: www.pureplay.com
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Do not give them your credit card number! Big promises... They do not pay when you win a tournament!

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