Freeline Fidelity
Ripoff mistreated and ripped off Colster New Jersey

Business & Finance

I can not believe this has happen to me. I was called one day and the girl on the phone was nice. She told me about this great program that would help me start to rebuild my credit. And I thought, that would be nice, I need to start all over. The thing that really caught my attention is that she said that I would get a credit card with a 3,000 dollar limit.

She told me that the cost was 299.00 dollars and that I could post date the check. While I was on the phone with this girl something just did not feel right so I hung up the phone. Well this girl calls me back and begins to tell me that I should not have hung up the phone because I had already given her most of my checking account information. She made a joke that I could not cancel. So I ask for her supervisor and she began to apologize. She continued to tell me time and time again about this credit card that I would get with a 3,000 credit limit.

So I gave her all of my account information and told her to take the money out on the 25th of October. Well, they took the money out of my account 3 weeks early. I immediately called the company and told them that I wanted refund. I was told that I could not get a refund until I got the package and sent it back to them. Here is another problem, the package is not due to arrive to me until the first week of November. So, I told the girl, please let me speak with the manager. She told me that he was busy and could not come to the phone and that she would give him the message and have him call me back.

Well that never have been, and I called back the next day to speak with Mr. Ed McDonald. Again I was told that he could not come to the phone that he was in a meeting. Now I am really hot and getting no straight answer. I called several times that day and I got nothing but rude customer service reps that were making sure I would not speak to a supervisor. Everyone of them told me that they would give him the message and have him call me.

Now here it is the first week of Nov. And I get the package full of things that can not help me. I called the customer service again and I asked the girl what is this "store value master card". She tells me that it is a debit card. I ask were is the 3,000 dollar limit card card. She (Jessica Blake) tells me that the stored master card is the one with a 3,000 dollar limit. Which is a complete lie. So, I ask this girl how do I go about returning this package so that I can get my money back. She tells me that I can not get a refund. That is right, she said that I can not get a refund.

Of course I was working on remaining calm, and I ask what do you mean I can not have a refund. She says well I am new hear and I don't know. So I ask for Mr. Ed McDonald. She tells me that he is busy and could not come to the phone but she will have him call me back. Yea Right!

Needless to say, I am out of 299.00 dollars and this company is out to get anyone. I don't understand how people can work for a company and take advantage of people like this. They need to pay and something needs to be done. I am not going to stop until I get my money back and I bring this company down.

So people listen to me, if someone calls you about this kind of deal just hang up the phone. Trust me they don't care about you, all they want is your money.

Coconut Creek, Florida

Company: Freeline Fidelity
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: P. O. Box 233
Address: 1 Closter Commons #242, Colster, NJ 07674
Phone: 8668988999
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