Intuit, Quickbooks
Dishonest & Deceptive company

Business & Finance

Intuit who represents Quickbooks products has become a greedy company. They don't know what more to do in order to get money from its clients. They use to be a considerate company but now they are creating a lot of trick in order you demand tecnical support for something themself created on purpose.

For example, I paid more than $1,000.00 for Quickbook point of sales and I don't use after 6 months after I bought it. They have a 30 days tecnical support that is already expire even though I have never required their help. One day when I tried to work in POS quickbooks there was a message saying: Error POS message 176125, then they give you some steps of how to take care of the situation created by them, when you go and do their steps you find another obstacle, they are saying now that Intuit Entitlement service is not running or it is damaged.

Company: Intuit, Quickbooks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8885560087
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