Homecomings Financial
Too tired to fight anymore in georgia

Business & Finance

We have been dealing with this company for the last two years doing loan modifications to save our home. They do short mods but nothing ever goes perm. And then the runaround starts allover again. Waiting on the phone for more than an hour, talking to someone new, telling the whole story again to some cs who is clueless to your situation. Once you do the loan modification and it comes to an end noone calls to tell you the next step and they wont take your money because your out of the plan, then you call and call and call and call and talk to countless people noone calls back you leave messages on the voicemail of someone you think is in charge of your plan and noone calls back. This is the worst run company I have ever dealt with we have the money to pay for our house if someone in this company can give us an honest and straightforward deal with some resolution. They want us now to send money so as not to be foreclosed on but we have yet to get an agreement to sign for this deal and this was 3 weeks we have been waiting.

Good Luck to all of you this is a nightmare. This countrys mortgage mess is due in large part to HOMECOMINGS#* Financial!!!

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: PO Box 9001719
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(All Representatives Refuse To Give Their Last Name.) Took 2 years of mortgage payments with no decrease in loan balance, took 5 months for loan modification results while keeping payments not applied to loan

Homecomings Financial
Mortgage Rip-off