Homecomings Financial
What a Nightmare

Business & Finance

Let me start by saying that all of the stories on this site make me feel for each of you. My family was also a victim of these bloodsuckers. My story is much the same. Refinanced. Mortgage was sold. We too fell into the lost payments, insurance, and no response game with these clowns.in all my years I have NEVER seen such poor customer service. Not even close. My wife did not believe me at first when I told her about the phone deal. How they never return your calls. My favorite was the he is only doing Outbound Calls Today Sir routine. WTF? But then she tried. Ill never forget the call I got from her after that. She was crying and telling me how rude they were to her. Went so far as to call her a liar.

We lost our house of 10 years. Only had Homecomings since 2005. My wife and I tried to save it by filing a Chapter 13, but after reading the stories on all the different web sites about Homecomings, decided it was not worth it. This was our attorneys recommendation also. When we first went in to try and salvage our home, he said that he had heard of these guys and warned us.
That is when I started doing my reading. I was shocked by the stories and relieved that we were not alone (I kept thinking we were) but quickly realized that a Chapter 7 was the only way out. We have since abandoned our home in Wisconsin and moved to the Gulf of Mexico here in Florida. Granted I will have to rent for the next couple years, we are much happier now that this nightmare is over. Not to mention the weather is much nicer.
I wish all of your GOOD LUCK in you dealings and screw Homecomings.

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: Texas
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Homecomings Financial

Homecomings Financial

Homecomings Financial

Homecomings Financial
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Homecomings Financial
They screwed us