Saxon Mortgage Servicing

Business & Finance

Saxon Mortgage lost two payments, the first payment they lost was in November and they did not locate it until the end of January. I thought it was a fluke think but then they turned around and lost my February payment.

I have spoken with "customer service" if you can really call it that, every week sometimes more then once a week. They keep me on the phone for at least an hour each time, while I give my entire story and recount when every check was sent and when they cashed it. The end result is always the same "this matter is being investigated call back in 7-10 days for an answer.

I have sent them proof of the check cashed two times. Many of the agents are nice and seem to want to help but can never seem to get the job done. There Supervisors are usually rude and dont seem to follow through with what they say they are going to do.

They forced me into making a second payment in February threatening to affect my credit. Now they have $1,800, of my money and refuse to post it to my account even though they have proof of the cashed check.

Just for the record, I have made every payment on time since they purchased my loan back in August. Is there no justice, in the world today?

Company: Saxon Mortgage Servicing
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: P.O. Box 163405
Phone: 8005948422
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